

Advice Regarding MPox

We are, understandably, getting a lot of questions regarding the MPox outbreaks. 

 The risk of getting MPox when travelling for the vast majority of travellers is very low.

Vaccine stock is not universally available. The most important for all travellers is to be aware of where the outbreaks are and how you can minimise your risk of transmission.

1) Currently, there are outbreaks in sub Saharan countries but this may change. Please follow this link to identify if you are travelling to an outbreak area -

Please follow link below to identify if you are travelling to or through an outbreak area -

2) If you are travelling to one of the outbreak areas please read the NHS website for more information on how you can reduce your risk of catching Mpox -

3) At present the vaccine is only available for those who have sexual practices that put them most at risk. Please contact a local sexual health clinic if you need any advice to identify if you are eligible for a vaccine.

Not all Sexual Health Clinics have vaccine stock. Please follow the link to find a clinic that does have stock if you are eligible for the vaccines.

I hope you find this helpful.

If you have any questions about other travel health related questions please do come back to us.

Happy travelling.